

Die "Opernretter" haben unsere Grundschule besucht

The Opera Company “Opernretter” visited our school.

Alle Klassen der Grundschule waren dabei
The Schwetzingen based Opera Company “Opernretter” visited our school and performed their newest creation titled “Es war einmal…”. In the weeks leading up to the performance all children at school sang the title song in their classes and were very excited to hear and see the show. One group of “Turtles” even got to participate during the play dancing and acting out snowflakes and gingerbread children.
The play that the opera company created incorporates aspects from well-known fairy tales like “Little red riding hood” or “Cinderella”. They used some arias from Rossini operas as well as their own title song “Es war einmal” composed by the company.
Magic Moment: The singer got the whole school to stand up and loudly sing the title song with him. It was smashing!

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